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Market Summary



Overview of market data for all tickers and all market pairs on the exchange.





  • Array [

  • symbol stringnullable

    Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/quote, eg. btc_usdc (Price of btc is quoted in usdc)

    baseAsset stringnullable

    Symbol/currency code of base currency, eg. btc

    quoteAsset stringnullable

    Symbol/currency code of quote currency, eg. usdc

    lastPrice double

    Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency

    lowestAsk double

    Lowest Ask price of base currency based on given quote currency

    highestBid double

    Highest bid price of base currency based on given quote currency

    baseVolume double

    24-hr volume of market pair denoted in BASE currency

    quoteVolume double

    24-hr volume of market pair denoted in QUOTE currency

    changePercent double

    24-hr % price change of market pair

    lowestPrice double

    Lowest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs

    highestPrice double

    Highest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs

  • ]
